While the company also sells the My K-cup, which is a reusable K-cup and filter, most people purchase the single-use disposable K-cups. Since these are single use cups, most individuals simply toss the used cups in the trash. However, there are plenty of things you can do with these little cups to make your coffee habit more environmentally friendly. ...
The weather lately has been less than optimal for us Edmontonians, but what is the first drink you think of when you think of the cold? Something that is warm, add a few marshmallows, curl up by a fire, add a book, a rocking chair... whoa, almost fell asleep there! But that's right, we now have single-serve hot chocolates. No longer do you have to stress about heating some water, getting out your hot chocolate dust, and making a cup. With the push of a button, you can now have the perfect, single cup of hot chocolate. ...
Hopefully you know a few things about Brew Ville, but if you don't, now is a great time to start! To get to know your local Whyte Ave coffee shop, we have compiled a list of 13 things you may not know about Brew Ville.
While Brew Ville is certainly your one stop spot for all things coffee, with just about 500 Kcups, over 100 decaf options, massive amounts of tea and Tassimo pods, that is not all we have to offer. Here are some things that we offer besides coffee! ...
Joe Martinson is the inspiration behind not only Martinson coffee, but the famous phrase "cup of joe." He is a legend in the coffee world and so is his coffee. We've long since had a whole range of Martinson k-cups, but we recently got their two most sought after flavours: Italian Roast and the Kona blend. ...
The long weekend is over and it's time for everyone to get back to work, sadly. As we know that not everyone wants the full punch of a coffee, we're highlighting a new and outstanding tea brand that we just started carrying. Legend has it tea was discovered in China and has been around for just about 4000. With humans having so many years to perfect tea, it's no wonder that there are teas out there with near flawless flavour. One of those companies that nails it to its roots every time is Higgins and Burke tea and we just so happen to have gotten it on our shelves recently! ...
We are always exceptionally floored, blown-away, pleased, delighted and humbled at the response and love we get from our customers both in and out of the store. That is why on July 26th, which also happened to be our one year anniversary, we threw a party for all our loyal customers who have seen our little store grow for the past year. We had a number of door prizes: a Keurig Mini Brewer, 10 Sun Cafe Brewers, an Aqua Zinger and a Zitrus Zinger. ...
If you're looking to get your sweet-tooth on, we have the coffee for you. From the hit TV show on TLC, the man who brings the best cakes in the business now has one of the best k-cups in the business: CAKE BOSS! With these list of flavours, it's hard to resist: Italian Rum Cake Chocolate Cannoli Chocolate Rum Cake Dolce De Leche Raspberry Truffle Hazelnut Biscotti Buddy’s Blend ...
The small company built from the ground up in their garage and now famously known for succeeding on the hit series, Shark Tank: Xylitol Ice Chips are in our store! Xylitol is a polyol, a sugar alcohol. It is all natural, safe for diabetics and has many health benefits. It uses Birchwood Xylitol (made in the USA), in order to access the health benefits, particularly the dental and diabetic advantages. ...
We're proud to now be carrying Beaver Rock Roastery, a reltively rew roastery from Barrie, Ontario. We have six new and great flavours: Intense Roast, Dark Roast, Medium Roast, Bright & Bold, Breakfast Blend, and Morning Rush. Ordered from the darkest to lightest, respectively. Here's an interesting fact about coffee: the lighter the roast, the more the caffeine content. This is because when you cook the beans longer, producing a darker roast, you cook out more caffeine. ...
Summer officially started last Saturday, June 21st with the longest day of the year! The day saw a high of 21 and just about 17 hours of sun! With all that sun, what better way to spend a summer evening than sipping on a great summer time drink like our Twinings Iced Tea. The two refreshing flavours are Pomegranate Raspberry Iced Tea: ...
Brew Ville is excited to announce that we have more Bob Marley K-cups in-store for your tasting pleasure!! Marley Coffee was ranked “The Undisputed BEST BRAND” in their category less than a year ago by SingleServeCoffee.com. ...